What is a Watering Hole Attack?

The terminology of online security threats continues to change, and the creative naming can be both ambiguous and explanatory. The most recent concern being Watering Hole Attacks, which are an increasing risk with the growing use of personal devices and cloud services.

Quickly evolving internet attacks find creative ways to plant malicious code and malware on a computer or network. The only thing consistent with internet attacks is the goal, i.e. to gain access to more specific information, such as IP, customer information, and financial data. Older and more well-known attacks came in the form of poorly worded emails enticing the user to click a link or download a file. Attacker techniques evolved into more complicated spear phishing, targeting specific individuals. A “watering hole” is where malicious code is inserted into a frequently visited site. Since it is too difficult to get malware on major sites, attackers need to know which smaller, less-secure sites (i.e. watering holes) your employees visit.